When you think of junk removal, you might think of basements, attics, or storage units – but junk removal can be just as necessary for commercial facilities as it is for personal or residential purposes. Accumulation of unnecessary clutter can negatively impact how your employees and customers view your organizational skills as a company. Not to mention, there could be some potential hazards for those in your building should the accumulation of junk be overbearing.
Have a Safer and Cleaner Work Environment!
The appearance of your facility is a reflection of your company/brand, and a building owner or property manager who neglects the organization of various objects, materials, and unnecessary items helps set the wrong tone for those who enter. You want to take every advantage you can to ensure your building is as presentable, accommodating, and safe to navigate as possible. Your employees and customers will remark on the organizational skills within your facility, affecting the perception of your company in a positive way. Elimination of junk also helps with breathability in your building. Make your building less stuffy and clear out a lot of dust and dirt from your building. You also reduce the chance of there being a fire hazard with so many potentially flammable objects clustered around each other.
Make Room for What is Important
The storage areas in your facility are likely filled with old items your business can surely function without. Do you really need to keep those old handsets? Is there a reason you are holding onto that old CRT TV that used to be in the lobby? What about those filing cabinets that are now an apartment complex for the facility’s spiders? All that space could be reserved for items that are important and will be utilized.
Eliminate the junk that has accumulated over the years; it will help make sorting through the items you regularly use much easier. Of course, eliminating junk will make moving less of a hassle. Less junk in your building means fewer items you’ll have to worry about when/if you physically move to a new space.
Don’t Hide all the Junk You Have. Get Rid of it!
The junk removal services we manage can help you remove the following types of items and perform the following tasks from your facility:
- Breakroom Appliances
- Computers and Electronics
- Office Furniture
- File Cabinets
- Old Carpeting
- Printer Removal and Recycling
- Full Office Cleanouts
- Cubicle Disassemble and Removal
- Construction Debris Removal
- Local Moves
An accumulation of junk in your storage areas is a safety hazard to all who enter. When there are no clear walkways, and random items piled on top of each other, you risk either someone tripping or having something fall on top of them. You can also donate whatever you don’t want or need to organizations like GoodWill to help out families/businesses in need of office supplies.