When the pandemic began earlier this year, likely the last thing on many facility owners’ minds was how the increase of cleaning and disinfectant chemicals was affecting the earth. Perhaps the new routine felt like a wave – something that was a lot in the moment, but would only be for a short period of time until we got the pandemic under control. However, many are now understanding these types of services will likely become part of the standard scope of work for facilities.
So, should we begin to think about the effect on our planet?
Joe Choplin, Director of Operations Support at City Wide, sat down with Michael Watson, Regional Sales Manager at EnvirOx – a company that provides products that are safer and healthier for people and the environment – to chat about the ongoing pandemic, what that has looked like from their perspective as they help clients, as well as why we should be thinking about our environment while these services are being performed more frequently.
Is green cleaning just as effective as conventional chemical cleaners?
The EnvirOx team isn’t the only group out there supporting a safer process for occupants and the environment. The Green Seal nonprofit organization recently published a 16-page document called “Guidelines for Safer COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfection.”
“It may be tempting to choose conventional chemical cleaners, but the use of certified green cleaners, such as those certified by Green Seal, is more important than ever during this time of increased cleaning and frequently,” it states inside the document. “Certified cleaners are proven to be as safe yet just as effective as harsher, more caustic cleaning products at removing dirt and grime.”
The document goes on to say that facility owners should especially consider those who are asthmatic in buildings that have a rigorous cleaning and disinfecting schedule. “CDC has identified asthmatic individuals as a high-risk group for COVID-19,” it says in the Green Seal document. “Choosing safer products, especially those that do not contain asthmagens, is critical for protecting this high-risk group.”
READ: What Facility Owners Are Finding Out After Reopening
“Being a 54-year-old cancer survivor and an asthmatic, I believe [the effect on earth from the increase of chemicals] is a concern,” said Michael in the podcast below. “We want to be very careful that we use enough disinfection to do what we’re doing without overdoing it and causing a secondary set of circumstances that can cause harm to the planet.”
Tune in to Joe and Michael’s podcast below.
In this podcast, you will hear:
- What has Michael noticed since the pandemic began – and what has the industry learned from this experience?
- Are there concerns about protecting facilities if a second wave happens?
- There seems to be some perception changes regarding maintenance for facility owners due to the pandemic, but what has our industry seen facility owners do that’s different than before?
- Why are disinfectant services now a crucial part of the 2-step cleaning process?
- What does “dwell time” mean when using a disinfectant chemical?
- What might be the green effect on our environment from the increase of cleaning and disinfectant chemicals we are now using at facilities?
Interested to learn more about green cleaning at your facility?
Because of City Wide’s partnership with EnvirOx, we can help you explore what types of green chemicals could work to clean and disinfect your building during the pandemic. Contact your local City Wide to learn more.